Tribe of Dads + Heartbeat

Heartbeat of Toledo is excited to announce that we are starting 2021 with a new partnership!

Over the years, we have worked with thousands of families in the greater Toledo, Ohio region. To better serve the fathers of these households, we have decided to partner with a group specializing in helping young dads throughout the journey of fatherhood. Enter The Tribeā€¦

Tribe of Dads was founded in 2018 by Shawn Hill, Joe Restivo, and Paul Dominguez, who realized the importance of having a father present in a child’s life. This organization’s goal is to help men be the best dad they can be, which is obtained through mentorship, education, and communication. Throughout two-years, the group has grown to over 4,500 members in their men’s only Facebook group. Within the group, members can find a mentor, ask questions, engage in conversation, and find assistance when they desperately need it.

toledo mens group

“One of the reasons we started this group was because we realized that a lot of dad’s struggle in silence,” states Joe Restivo. “We learned that men would talk more openly with strangers about their personal problems as opposed to talking to someone close to them. The Tribe helps members deal with day-to-day dad tasks, like changing diaper tips. More importantly, we talk about heavier topics, such as how to deal with a wife suffering from post-partum, how to manage anxiety, how to handle finding drugs on your kid. These are real things men deal with, and often do not have anywhere to go for real guidance.”

“Heartbeat of Toledo is known for providing services to women who are either pregnant or think they might be pregnant. We have several resources available for families but never had one dedicated entirely to the dads,” said Renee Palacios, Executive Director of Heartbeat of Toledo. “We are beyond excited to have an established organization to help guide the young men who walk through our doors.”

The role a father plays in a kid’s life is immeasurable. We invite you to consider these statistics:

  • Children living without their father in the home are 47% more likely to live in poverty.
  • Infant death within the first 28-days of life is 4x higher for those with absent fathers.
  • Kids in fatherless homes are 279% more likely to carry guns and deal drugs.
  • Of the youth who are currently in prison, 85% grew up in a fatherless home.
  • Children who live in a single-parent home are two times more likely to commit suicide than children in a two-parent household.

This group welcomes dads of all ages. For more information on joining and how to get involved, be sure to check out these resources:

I know there’s not a lot we all always see eye-to-eye on. However, I know we all agree that all kids deserve to have a loving father there. Let’s continue to build this group to help make that possible.